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Handwrytten - Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos

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Gig Score from player (1-5)5 - Amazing Top 5 Favorite Gig
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Blog Note 1

This fundraiser was truly something special. You could feel the love in the air. Dana and Kevin, the founders of Brooke’s house have built such a tight knit community helping women recover from substance abuse

Blog Note 2

One of the guest speakers, Ashleigh, was a graduate of brooke’s house and her story was so moving and really helped connect success to the foundation

Blog Note 3

There were many creative ways to contribute to the cause of Brooke’s house- a surprise wine auction, requesting a song from Felix&Fingers, silent auction, and big ticket auction items up to a $4000.00 value! I personally lead the auction and Dana said it’s the most they’ve ever raised!

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