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Handwrytten - Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos

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Gig Score from player (1-5)5 - Amazing Top 5 Favorite Gig

Absolutely there’s always the opportunity and importance to focus on what can be better and mainly I just think if anything could be better maybe having access to the Wi-Fi right away because I did have the parents of the couple ask for a request and it took me an extra Song to fulfill that request because I didn’t have the Wi-Fi yet but nothing crazy.
I can always practice more!

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Blog Note 1

My first gig with Felix and Fingers was awesome and I really appreciated meeting everyone and being a part of such an important moment.

Blog Note 2

The staff at the venue were extremely helpful and so were the caterers and bar staff.

Blog Note 3

The cocktail hour ended with a dance between the parents of the couple and it was completely unplanned, but turned out amazing.
I always try to go above and beyond and I feel like I was able to meet that goal tonight.

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