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Handwrytten - Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos

Manage Handwrytten Notes

Gig Score from player (1-5)3

It was a networking event so most of everyone wanted to talk in groups. The client was a guest at previous show that was super interactive and really wanted to replicate the same vibe, but the group just wasn't as into it. We tried just about everything. It was fine, but definitely not one for the record books.

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Blog Note 1

The Woodlands waterway is a beautiful area. It's its own little township and the vibe is wonderful.

Blog Note 2

Someone requested Smells Like Teen Spirit right out of the gate. Challenge accepted.

Blog Note 3

The staff at Mahoney's was very kind and they seemed like a family all working and laughing together. They welcomed us in and took great care of us!

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