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Handwrytten - Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos

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Gig Score from player (1-5)3

The venue has a professional AV company that the client said they wanted us to plug into, but they left without setting everything up. We set up our speakers in the meantime just in case and then they said they would actually just have us use what they brought. Then about 15 minutes before we started playing they decided it wasn't loud enough and asked us to plug in through the house system. They called the venue manager and she said the AV company had already gone home but she would try to figure it out and I could help her. We ended up starting over 20 minutes late and they never could figure out how to get the house system to work, which I could tell the client was extremely frustrated about. Nothing we could have done (we were prepared and had a backup!), but I know it was a bummer for the clients. Also just overall had very little communication and had a really hard time finding the venue staff.

see above- not really much we could have done,

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see above

Blog Note 1

They had a taco bar, pasta station, salad station, carving station, dessert station, coffee station, soda station, and more!

Blog Note 2

They had custom cornhole (or bags if you're from the midwest) with their company name!

Blog Note 3

Everyone got on the dancefloor for don't stop believing.

Other Notes

Overall, just had a LOT of issues with the venue between load in, load out, and AV, as well as staying in contact with the planners from the company.

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