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Handwrytten - Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos

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Gig Score from player (1-5)1 - Really Poorly

Horrible experience. Absolute nightmare. Very clueless wedding planner who never really did her job so I became the “go to” person. A biblical plague (of god like proportions) of bugs were swarming in a massive cloud that infested everyone including my equipment. We all had to sit outside during long speeches when clearly there was an infestation of bugs and people were breathing them in /choking on them.
Wedding planner admitted that she knew of this prior to the wedding day but said she didn’t want to “stress out the bride”

There was so much confusion and no one took charge of the event. The father of the bride was telling me to just forget the pianos and just dj since people were leaving because obviously they don’t want to deal with the horrible bugs. No clear point of contact to get directions from.
Planner was not taking charge so I felt the pressure was on us, since also the catering people left early too.

Since no clear leadership was established, the groom tried to step in. I understand he was trying to salvage his wedding but making us go back out there in the swarm of bugs and re set all the pianos up with basically no time left because of their planner’s mismanagement of time. So we only played for fifteen minutes.

And people were demanding me to DJ while I’m trying to fulfill the groom’s request. I can’t be a “DJ” and a construction worker at the same time.

Load out was atrocious. Having to deal with the same issue of bugs but they infested all my bags. And all my equipment.

Also I am not a tech person. So no more of this last minute “hey figure out this projector from the 90s and make the audio work.” No, because it makes us look bad if we don’t get it right away. So let those clients know they need to provide their own system. Because their signal was in mono when it needed to be in stereo. I don’t want to be blamed for something that’s not my responsibility.

Never again am I doing outdoor weddings AT NIGHT by a LAKE. Or a wedding where their planner can’t get it together until 24 hours before the event. Especially since it was so “detailed” to the minute even though they ended up mismanaging their time
Absolutely never again.

Get a competent wedding planner

Ask For Review?Not a good idea
Reason For No Review

See above

Blog Note 1

The sky as clear during the day and great weather for a wedding. I really enjoyed the pizza that was cooked in a portable brick oven.

Blog Note 2

Got there early to set up and make it look pretty.

Blog Note 3

People were dancing once the show started! How fun!

Other Notes


I wouldn’t use the first video for social media if I were you. But it’s to show you how unplayable the instruments were

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