In the heart of University Wisconsin Platteville, a unique spectacle unfolded. The university’s expansive event hall, primarily operated by students, was transformed into a lively stage for a special corporate event – a dueling pianos show by Felix And Fingers.

Reviving In-Person Gatherings with a Melodious Twist

This event marked a significant milestone for the university’s health center, as it was their first in-person yearly party since the pre-pandemic era of 2020. The evening was filled not just with music and laughter, but also with heartfelt appreciation for years of dedicated service.

Surprise and Delight: The Dueling Pianos Experience

The event started with a cocktail and dinner session, DJed by the talented team of Felix And Fingers. As the evening progressed, a huge screen was unexpectedly raised, revealing the main attraction of the night – the dueling pianos. This unplanned surprise added an extra layer of excitement to the event, setting the stage for an unforgettable night of entertainment.

The dueling pianos show was a hit, with an array of weird and wonderful song requests keeping the audience engaged. The performers had the crowd dancing, dining, and singing all night. The highlight of the evening was when the crowd burst into dance as the first notes of “No Diggity” filled the room. This energy was sustained throughout the night, with a mashup of “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” and “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” drawing enthusiastic participation from the crowd.

Seamless Transitions and Lasting Impressions

The performance concluded with a high-energy rendition of “Baby Got Back,” which brought many of the ladies from the bar to the dance floor. Even after the last song, the party continued, with a playlist of songs that couldn’t be performed during the show, ensuring a seamless transition to the DJ section. The night ended on a high note, with guests continuing to dance and enjoy the music.

Performers At This Event

T. Duncan Parker

Be sure to request T. Duncan Parker for your next Felix And Fingers event!

This unforgettable night at University Wisconsin Platteville is a testament to the unique and engaging experience that Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos can provide. Whether it’s a corporate event, a private party, or a university gathering, their talented performers are sure to deliver a memorable experience.

For an evening of fun, music, and unforgettable memories, contact Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos at (800) 557-4196. Don’t forget to share this post with others who might be interested in booking a dueling piano event. After all, who wouldn’t want to be part of such a magical night?

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NameAddressWebsiteEmailPhonePrice Range
VenueUniversity of Wisconsin-Platteville Ullsvik HallAddress1 University Plaza
Platteville, Wisconsin 53818