In the heart of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, a unique musical event unfolded that left guests humming tunes and tapping their feet. The Valerie, an enchanting venue nestled just off the highway, played host to a lively event featuring Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos. This wasn’t just any event, it was a Wedding Cocktail Hour that turned into a melodious party, proving once again that music and love are a match made in heaven.

Harmonizing Keys Under The Open Sky

The Valerie, known for its beautiful patio, served as the perfect backdrop for the dueling pianos. As the sun set, the patio was transformed into a magical stage where the pianos took the spotlight. The soft glow of the setting sun, the twinkling patio lights, and the rhythmic dance of the keys created an atmosphere that was nothing short of enchanting.

Feasting on Music and More

The event wasn’t just about the music. The Valerie’s in-house culinary team served up some delicious appetizers that were as much a hit as the dueling pianos. The tantalizing flavors complemented the melodious tunes, adding another layer of sensory delight to the evening.

A Crowd in Tune

The crowd was as lively as the music. Guests were seen mingling, laughing, and singing along to the tunes. The dueling pianos, with their playful rivalry and harmonious tunes, had everyone swaying to the music. It was clear from the onset that this was going to be a fun party. And sure enough, as the evening unfolded, the energy only escalated, turning the cocktail hour into a memorable celebration.

The Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos event at The Valerie was more than just a musical event; it was a celebration of love, music, and community. It was a testament to the power of music in bringing people together and creating unforgettable moments.

If you’re considering booking a dueling piano event or looking for an exceptional venue, look no further. The Valerie, with its beautiful setting and exceptional service, coupled with the musical magic of Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos, promises an event that’s nothing short of extraordinary.

Dial (800) 557-4196 to get in touch with Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos. And don’t forget to share this blog post with your friends and family. After all, good music, like good times, is meant to be shared.

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NameAddressWebsiteEmailPhonePrice Range
VenueThe ValerieAddress1281 Blue Ribbon Dr suite 200
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin 53066
Email+1-(262) 510-5061