To begin with, Felix and Fingers performed a high-energy dueling piano show at the Black Pig holiday party. Our performers, Katrina Nilsen and Sam Baker drove out to Sheboygan, Wisconsin to play for their client’s (Larson Eye Care) corporate event. Everyone had a BLAST indeed!
Black Pig Holiday Party Sheboygan Wisconsin
To start with, the Black Pig deliciously pushes comfort food out of it’s comfort zone. This venue will cover your every need with an amazing menu and swanky industrial surroundings. Black Pig is nestled in downtown Sheboygan, therefore your special event will be surrounded by trendy architectural detail. For example, iron cross beams and block glass windows gave the room a super cool look. If you’d like further information on Black Pig please click here.
Our crowd LOVED to sing! As a matter of fact, there was TONS of singing during cocktail hour with requests such as Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison. It wasn’t long before we received 5 requests in a row for Crocodile Rock by Elton John. We had FUN taking turns playing Elton. The audience went NUTS. In all honesty, we had a TON of FUN playing this song. It was EPIC.
Holiday Party Variety
This was, in fact, probably one of the best meals Felix and Fingers have enjoyed this year. Black Pig really knows their menu. Everyone enjoyed a variety of pork, chicken and the most AMAZING mac n cheese! Our performers had so much fun playing unique requests. Who knew this fun-loving crowd would rock out all night long to a mix of Mellencamp, Queen, and Justin Timberlake? Felix and Fingers kept the dance floor PACKED with top hits all night long!
Some couples requested and danced to Edelweiss. Felix and Fingers actually had some fun with this song. As Edelweiss wrapped up, Felix followed up with a little Do Re Mi. This was FUN! We had everyone singing, clapping and having a GREAT time. Above all, the last crew of party folk to hang around requested Callin’ Baton Rouge by Garth Brooks. Felix and Fingers LOVED all the compliments at the end of their show. Everyone had SO MUCH FUN!
Contact Us
If you’d like to hire Felix and Fingers for your next special event, shoot us an email to [email protected] or click here for more info on our website. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
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