Felix and Fingers Dueling Pianos at Mountain Springs LodgeNestled in the heart of Leavenworth, Washington, Mountain Springs Lodge served as the picturesque backdrop for a recent wedding. This wasn’t just any wedding, though. This was a Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos wedding, and it was an event to remember.

Nonstop Dancing and Unforgettable Moments

From the moment the music started, the energy in the room was electric. The dance floor was a flurry of activity, with guests of all ages showing off their moves. An older couple, likely in their 70s, stole the show when they cut a rug to Amy Winehouse’s “Valerie.” This was just the beginning of a night filled with nonstop dancing. At one point, there were at least 30 dancers on the floor, moving and grooving to the beat.

Dancing crowd at Felix and Fingers Dueling Pianos event

Seamless Transitions and High Energy

The transition from the pre-recorded first dance music to the start of the dueling piano show was seamless and easy. This kicked off the show with high energy and great guest participation. The opening song, Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way,” filled the dance floor in no time, setting the tone for the rest of the night.

Sing-Alongs and Line Dancing

One of the highlights of the evening was the performance of Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody.” The dueling pianos got the guests to sing along for the entire song, creating a memorable and fun moment for everyone. The crowd loved everything from croony dinner music to crazy line dancing to songs like “Wobble.”

Guests enjoying Felix and Fingers Dueling Pianos show

This fabulous wedding at Mountain Springs Lodge was a testament to the inclusive and welcoming group that gathered to celebrate the couple. The energy, the music, and the joy were palpable throughout the entire reception.

If you’re considering booking a dueling piano event or looking for a fantastic venue like Mountain Springs Lodge, don’t hesitate to contact Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos at (800) 557-4196. And if you enjoyed this post, feel free to share it with your friends and family. Let’s keep the music playing and the good times rolling!

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