Listen to the Podcast About Perfectly Planned By Yas

Podcast for Perfectly Planned By Yas

Podcast Summary

On the recent episode of Eventful Endeavors, host Meny Leizerovich welcomed Yasmine Colon, a seasoned and certified wedding planner from Perfectly Planned By Yas. She discussed her entry into the industry, inspired by a fellow wedding planner friend. With a background of 16 years in hospitality, her certification journey began right before the COVID-19 pandemic struck in January 2020. Yasmine also managed to complete her master’s certification classes amidst the pandemic, shaping her into a master-certified wedding planner.

Yasmine highlights that her hospitality industry background significantly supports her work as a wedding planner, particularly when it comes to maintaining productive relationships with clients and vendors. Her courteous and approachable demeanor attributes to why she is so endeared among her clientele.

Stationed in Orlando, Yasmine’s services are not limited by geography. She underlined her willingness to travel wherever her services are needed. She recently had her first out-of-state assignment, planning a wedding in Puerto Rico. She found the experience exhilarating, welcoming the chance to work with vendors from another country and culture.

Yasmine, who has seen the industry evolve over the years, remarked on the current trends in the wedding planning industry. She noticed a shift from rustic to boho-style designs, and an increasing preference for mixed bold colors and unique details like fruits and bows. With Perfectly Planned By Yas, Yasmine Colon brings a modern, dynamic, and fun approach to every wedding she plans, ensuring every couple has a truly unforgettable event. Through her story, she inspires others to follow their passion and carve out their niche in the industry.

Learn more about Perfectly Planned By Yas

This interview was provided by Felix and Fingers Dueling Pianos

Podcast Transcript

Felix And Fingers (00:24)
So hello, hello everybody. Welcome back to Eventful Endeavors. And today I’m super happy to have Yasmine Colon with Perfectly Planned By Yas. Yasmin, Yasmin. Yasmine Colon for being here. Yay! Thank for being here today. How you doing?

Yasmine (00:36)
Hi! Thanks so much for having me.

I’m doing fantastic. Literally just before getting on this call with you, I just catching up with you know emails and stuff. I feel like that’s the norm for a Monday. So it’s been great. How are you?

Felix And Fingers (00:53)
Very well, I’m great actually. I’m so happy to have you. I came across your website and I love what you do. And I saw so many photos and so many happy couples. I said, I gotta have her on the podcast. And I can also see that you have 16 years of experience and you’re a certified wedding planner from the Wedding Planner Society. This is amazing. Tell me about this. What brought you to the industry? What’s going on?

Yasmine (01:01)


Yes, actually I feel like other wedding planners got me into it I have one particular friend that’s in the business that kind of like motivated me to she’s a longtime friend who’s also a wedding planner She was going through school at the moment and I had told her like my passion about it And she was like girl, you should just go do it go get certified. Just do it I was like, okay, me their information. And so from there I did I did an in-person class and then

It’s crazy because I did it during before COVID hit. So it was January 2020 when I got certified. And from there on, the pandemic happened. And that year I did a master’s certification classes and then I became a master certified wedding planner. But what helped out a lot too is just being in those 16 years of hospitality. So I’ve worked in hotels and I feel like that, having that as a background helps with your business.

That’s why I’m like so nice to everybody because of the hospitality background. You know, I’m super nice to everybody.

Felix And Fingers (02:19)
This is amazing.

This is amazing and I you know I would assume that as a wedding planner like you know your interpersonal skills should be so so good and I’m just getting this good vibe and I see all those happy couples. So yeah I guess it’s working out pretty good. So I see that you’re based out in Orlando, correct?

Yasmine (02:31)

Yes, but I travel

anywhere. Anywhere. Take me out of Florida. Take me to a different city. Let me see new things. Please.

Felix And Fingers (02:45)

how often do you actually fly out of Florida for a wedding?

Yasmine (02:50)
So last

weekend was like my actual first one. We went to Puerto Rico. So I did a wedding over there and it was so wonderful. Just like the details, the bride, just the couple in general. They were just so nice and meeting different vendors in another like whole country. was just, it was so dope. It was so dope. Yes, I had the best time.

Felix And Fingers (03:10)
That is so much fun. That is so much fun.

Especially… Well, with 16 years now in the industry, it’s actually gonna take me now to my very first question that I’m sure all listeners also are really looking forward to hearing your answer about this. What are the current trends you are seeing in the wedding industry? What’s going on? What has changed within those 16 years?

Yasmine (03:31)
lot my goodness thank God because some of the stuff are like really cringe like anyway yes so like getting out of like the burlap I know like everybody was like into like the rustic with the burlap I feel like rustic now has changed and it comes like in line with boho now so I think that’s fun to like mix those two together but the trending things that I’m obsessed with right now is like fruits

Felix And Fingers (03:38)

Yasmine (03:58)
and bows and what else? Like just like bold colors like red and you know like mixing the bold. Like my wedding just this past Saturday she had like different shades of purple. Like it was just so beautiful to see and I feel like a lot of weddings now, I know like trends, trends come and go but I feel like with…

Why we can’t let them stay like trends, let them stay. Don’t let them be trends. Don’t let them go away. Because some of the stuff are just so fun, you know, and it’s like the way the society is, it’s like if somebody does a trend from two months ago, it’s cringe. And it’s like, no, let it stay. Let us like enjoy it. Let us do whatever we want for our wedding days. So I think the whole trend thing, it’s fun. But at the same time, let them stay. Don’t take the trends away. Do whatever you want. It’s your wedding. Customize it to Harvard.

But definitely like the bold colors right now, like I said, like the purples, the reds, the bows and the coquette and the fun vintage. That’s what I’m obsessed with right now. Yeah.

Felix And Fingers (05:01)
love it and I just like you said it’s

good let it stay don’t take it away don’t be friend just let’s make sure this is gonna be like default like for every wedding this color

Yasmine (05:05)

Yeah, like

let all the colors like just stay like don’t let blue be like a thing for last week. No, use it. Do whatever you want. It’s your wedding day. But always ask me for advice, please. I’ll be happy to help you with advice and lead you into the right direction. Okay, thanks.

Felix And Fingers (05:22)
You said.


And I’m sure you’re gonna give them some good advice based on your amazing experience. You know, which takes me now actually to the next question, which we just actually, you brought up earlier, and I love to hear your answer about this. What things couples should never do on their wedding? Like any cringe-worthy things you hate seeing at your events.

Yasmine (05:34)
And yes.

Yeah, stop doing, Gartatoyz.

Stop. It’s so cringe. And it’s like, I didn’t do it for mine because I was like, no, my dad is there. I’m not going to let my husband go under my dress to grab. No, well, it’s so cringe. It’s so traditional. It’s so back then. And I am so grateful that a lot of my couples have let that go, have let that tradition go. Yeah. No more garter to us. Thanks.

Felix And Fingers (06:18)

couldn’t agree more actually. When I perform at weddings, I am so happy to see that it’s not happening anymore, the garter toast. mean, based on my experience, I didn’t come across it recently and I’m so happy for it. I personally me, I don’t like it. I know it’s a big tradition, but I’m totally on that.

Yasmine (06:35)

yes, that was for the 1860s, leave it there. Like it had a meaning back then, we don’t need to do it now. But for sure, garter toasas have like not been, you know, being shown nowadays, which I am happy for. You can still wear the garter, I think it’s still super cute. I think it’s still fun to like have it under your dress for, you know, later on after the wedding.

Felix And Fingers (06:40)

Yasmine (07:00)
and just like to have that little detail, but to actually do it, it just makes me cringe and we just need to let it go.

Felix And Fingers (07:07)
I agree, mean, you know, as long as you modify it and tweak it like to 2025, then that should be okay. I mean, don’t get rid of the tradition, but you know, just make it little more, I don’t know, family, friends.

Yasmine (07:17)
One good thing

is they’re still doing the bouquet toss. I’m great with that. Or maybe toss other things. This is something that I’ve been recommending to my couples. T-shirt toss. I’ve been seeing that recently. Instead of like doing a garter toss, make fun t-shirts. People love free shit. Like, sorry, am I able to say that? People love free things.

Felix And Fingers (07:38)
You know, people do

a of stuff. So that is actually a really valuable thing. You got that right. You got that right.

Yasmine (07:45)
Yeah, people love these

things. Like, do a fun t-shirt with your shirt and your faces on it with the wedding date. People love that stuff and just toss that instead.

Felix And Fingers (07:56)
I know, and you know, I feel like I gave a cross the t-shirt thing, like, it’s been a while since I actually said about, I love that idea, so I really hope people will be using that more often, so.

Yasmine (08:06)

just toss it into the crowd. I had a bride do it. She did four t-shirts, two different like styles and literally gathered everybody. It was a good way to open up the dance floor. So they got everybody on the dance floor and they just started tossing t-shirts like they do at concerts. Like I thought that was so dope, you know? So yeah, I’m here for the t-shirt toss.

Felix And Fingers (08:25)

I’m so, for it. What is the most, okay, so obviously the t-shirt is really fun. Is there any other thing which is the most unique or fun idea you’ve seen at a recent wedding?

I will tell you what I came across and I wonder if you did too. Well, actually, I see that it’s like a really big thing now they have the photo booth, like in weddings, or just people actually they have this QR code and everybody’s taking photos and it just goes like to the same album. Almost like we don’t need a photographer anymore. you know, I just, I actually, what’s your thought about that? I’m just like, I’m just wondering.

Yasmine (08:41)
Yeah, please.



The QR code thing is a hit or miss. It’s a hit or miss. Now some of the brides do put it everywhere, like in the common areas, on tables and stuff like that. But I feel like some people are just not doing it as often as we desire to. Sometimes I even try to like scan the QR code and do photos when I have the chance, just so that they have something to look back into. But they are something fun to add on. I feel like it is a cool thing to kind of have a place where all your photos are at the end of the night.

But it’s a hit or miss with the guest. It is a hit or miss. But it is some pretty fun, yeah.

Felix And Fingers (09:34)

it’s either like working out amazingly or it’s either like people are like, what? So yeah.

Yasmine (09:42)

if there’s a lot of older people in the crowd of your guests. That they’re not too tech savvy. So you have to walk them through the process and get them, hey, this is how you do it. They would love to have your photos there at the end of the day. Please do it. So sometimes I do encourage guests and sometimes I try to do it and yeah.

Felix And Fingers (10:04)
And yeah, and that’s the thing you just tried to make them like hey just be a part of it even if you’re like technophobic in a way so you try helping them out, but You know people have some so many different ideas these days So this is actually quite fascinating for me to you know as a performer to see like now they got this they got that like so many trends going on Which also takes me like okay, so any advice you can offer offer someone

Yasmine (10:11)



Felix And Fingers (10:32)
just starting on their planning like journey.

Yasmine (10:34)
Like for couples. Okay. for sure. embrace your engagement, embrace your proposal. Enjoy that moment. Cause I know a lot of us get so excited that we want to go ahead and just start the planning process. Soak in the moment, enjoy your engagement. All that stuff will be there later, you know? And I feel like that’s just so important. Have your engagement party if you want to have your engagement party, but just enjoy the moment. I feel like.

Felix And Fingers (10:36)

Yasmine (11:02)
They’re like, I’m proposed, I’m gonna get married, let me start the process. Enjoy it, soak it in, and then hit us up and we’ll be happy to help you. We’ll be here.

Felix And Fingers (11:11)
I totally agree. A lot of people these days also I feel like they’re like, okay, so we gotta engage? Okay, now we gotta move forward. We gotta this, we gotta do that. Like, yeah, embrace that. That’s such an amazing point. Yeah, that’s amazing.

Yasmine (11:20)
Just literally enjoy

that moment. This is your forever, know? Soak in that moment and just enjoy your engagement process.

Felix And Fingers (11:27)
Love it. Tell us now, I know that obviously you’re very experienced in the industry now and you’ve been through so many weddings, but can you tell me aside from your amazing experience, what makes your service like unique, like comparing to auto planners? I can see you’re very personal, so this is amazing.

Yasmine (11:43)
Yes, I

am very personal. I’m very personal, very detailed, very communicative. I myself as a vendor have experienced other vendors not writing right away. I try my hardest and my best to respond right back to you. I’m sure you noticed that with me. I wrote back to you as soon as I possibly can. Forgive me again about the, you know, the form, but I was on vacation too, by the way.

Felix And Fingers (12:03)
you’re good.


Yasmine (12:08)
But I

try my hardest to respond as soon as I possibly can. And especially with me, when it comes to my brides, I’d be like, take my number down. If you have a question and something that we forgot or miss, please text me. If I am busy at the moment, I will let you know, hey, I’m at a wedding, I’m at an event, I’m doing something, but I will get right back to you. Just so that they’re not like waiting for me to reply to them. No, I’m so quick to reply because I…

Two was a right and I also know how it felt to not have that communication with my vendors. So I tried to be different and tried to stand out of the crowd for my clients, you know?

Felix And Fingers (12:47)
And I just, you know, I can attest for everyone else to our listeners over here. Yasmin is like super responsive, even like in the process of scheduling this podcast with Yasmin. I will email you in like five minutes or even less. I’ll get an email back and you’re like, I’m at a wedding, but I’m like, my God, you’re so busy right now, but you still take the time.

Yasmine (12:57)
Yeah, I was so quick. I wasn’t really doing it this is so fun.


I really, really do. And even if I’m there, because I do give my couples my 100 % that day, but if I’m like away or like doing something and I see that your message is there, I will reply to you. Like, please don’t feel like you’re alone in this process. I’m here to help you through it, you know?

Felix And Fingers (13:26)
This is great. This is what people are looking for. So this is amazing. What is your current availability? Like how far in advance are you booked right now with weddings?

Yasmine (13:29)
Thank you.

I haven’t even opened up 2026, but I do have weddings set. So I guess I can say I’m open up to June 2026. So hitch your girl up. I don’t just do weddings. I do everything. Give me your 40th birthday party. Let me do your child’s first birthday. You want to do a baby shower over the top? Call me. It will be my pleasure to assist.

Felix And Fingers (13:55)


Yasmine (14:02)
I want,

I love events. There’s always something to celebrate and I would love to be a part of that process, you know? Just seeing things differently from weddings, I want that. Like give me the different varieties or variety or whatever. It’s always hard for me to say that word. Vierity. So literally like I just, I want the difference. So give it to me. I’m happy. I’m happy too. Give me your phone. Yeah.

Felix And Fingers (14:04)
It’s time.


All good.

If you guys are

it’s not just if you’re getting married if you want to plan anything else birthday party Anything oh, this is amazing. This is great. I’m so happy I asked that um So what would you recommend how I would say how early should couples probably approach you? before you know planning their wedding

Yasmine (14:40)

Of course, depending on the planning process. if they only need me for certain things. So say for example, I would appreciate if they hit me up a year, even if, know, like depending on when they get engaged and depending on when they want to start planning. I’ve planned weddings in two weeks. I’m literally planning one for in three months. So I feel like it just all depends on you and whenever you’re ready. I’ve, if I have the availability, I’m so happy to help.

But the ideal thing is six months to a year. Even if it’s for month off, I still check on you monthly, making sure the planning process is going smooth. And if you have any questions or need help with anything, I’m there to assist as well.

Felix And Fingers (15:27)
Yeah, and that’s how I feel like usually couples like I plan it somewhere between like six months to a year. So that actually makes so much sense actually. But yeah, this is amazing. What is the deposit amount for your services?

Yasmine (15:31)



So normally I do 50% down and then I split the rest into payments. So it just makes this so much more comfortable and convenient for everybody. I think that’s like the most basic way everybody else does it as well.

Felix And Fingers (15:58)
And I will

say this also, if you’re listening to the pockets right now, you are getting, if you’re looking to plan your wedding, you will be getting $200 off the Amarado package. Did I say it right?

Yasmine (16:09)
Oh, it’s

okay. I could give more details. It’s for the Amara package, which is the month of coordinating. listening to this podcast and you’re a new like a couple that just got engaged or after you enjoy your moment, contact me and you’ll get a $200 off just for listening to the podcast. So mention the podcast and I’ll be happy to give you that discount and we’ll get started on your process.

Felix And Fingers (16:34)
Yay! Awesome. What is the cancellation policy, usually?

Yasmine (16:39)
Cancellation policy, that’s so good. Normally, I think about 30 months. I do have more detail about it in my contract for sure. 30 months, 30 days, sorry, 30 months, 30 days in advance if possible would be like ideal just to give us like a heads up and me to reach out to the vendors letting them know of like the cancellations and stuff like that depending if they.

cancel the entire wedding or let go of me and things like that, think a month would be suffice.

Felix And Fingers (17:06)
Perfect. Perfect. Are there any preferred vendors you recommend and are the couples required to use them?

Yasmine (17:12)
I recommend using my vendor list because there’s just some instances that there are vendors we never worked with that

They’re special. And I hate to say that because, you know, you probably had a passion of what you do and the customer service is just not there. And I don’t like working with people like that. So definitely highly recommend using your planners preferred vendors list because we’ve worked with them and we curated that to suit us and to suit you because we’ve worked personally with these vendors that we have on our list and have 100 percent trust in them.

You know, and they’ve never failed me. I’ve never failed them. And they’re the people to go to, you know? And hey, maybe some of them have like a little referral discount because I sent you to them. You never know. You never know.

Felix And Fingers (17:57)
you know, you never know and I couldn’t agree

more actually just to find a reliable vendor was also responsible. It’s so important. And communication, you know, because there’s so many so many people involved in the event you want to make sure you know that all the points are like, you know, they’re in like full communication. Nobody drops the ball, especially on a special day. Such an important comment about it. I love this.

Yasmine (18:03)


Felix And Fingers (18:24)
I would say now, you know, usually people ask like, how involved are you in the planning process? I would assume a lot.

Yasmine (18:31)
Yes, yes, it just all depends on what you hire me for. So if you’re partial or full planning, please make sure you’re like texting me and keeping me in the loop. Like I will hit you up every day if I have to, you know, and for month of like I told, like I mentioned earlier, I do check in monthly, making sure you’re okay. I have brides that have been so fantastic and know what they hired me for and stick to that.

Felix And Fingers (18:34)
Thank you.

Yasmine (18:56)
You know, so they’ll send me their contracts as soon as they like book a vendor and stuff like that. And right there I take advantage like how is everything? Are you OK? Everything’s good. And once they tell me great. Yes. Wonderful. Or they’ll ask me, hey, can you send me some transportation services? I’ll go ahead and send them some transportation services and they reach out to them. That’s it. Like it’s just so good. And then, of course, like I said, for partial and full planning, that’s more of me involved in those packages. And I

Felix And Fingers (19:16)
It’s not.

Yasmine (19:24)
definitely am there for you constantly. It’s like having a little planner bestie and I want to be your planner bestie throughout the process.

Felix And Fingers (19:28)

This is so fun. feels so personal. honestly, I want to like get remarried right now and just hire your services right now.

Yasmine (19:34)

You call me, you call

me right away.

Felix And Fingers (19:42)
service you know back then so I’m like you know what I’m actually considering it it’s a lot of fun it’s super personal and I feel like this is so like hey you guys want to get married all over again

Yasmine (19:49)
Yes. Let me talk to your wife really quick.

Yes, Val renewals

are a thing and it’s kind of like, you know, renewing your love and you know, I do those as well. So yeah, yeah. Yes, so for sure. I Val renewals are so much fun. It’s like just kind of like reminding your loved one that I do still love you through this entire process of like the 10, 15, 20 years that we’ve been together. So.

Felix And Fingers (20:00)

Hey, that’s better. you go. Great one for me and for all listeners. Bob and Nils.

Yasmine (20:24)
And you get to like change things that you didn’t have in your first wedding. You can do things differently, you know, have different food, have different decor, have different colors. Like it’s so fun. It’s just so fun to like re-celebrate your love.

Felix And Fingers (20:39)
It is, it is. I feel like it’s a thing that people should do more often. know, some people actually do that, some do not. I love it and it’s another reason to celebrate. Come on guys, like it’s another reason to celebrate. Celebrate your love, you know. Like, yes, I love that. You know, it’s just gonna take me back actually to another, you know, question that we already kind of covered, but I wanna hear your personal input about this. What is…

Yasmine (20:43)
Thank you.

There’s, yes, there’s something to celebrate.


Felix And Fingers (21:04)
Thing I would say like in a wedding that you wish that people would be doing more of just more of that

Yasmine (21:12)

Felix And Fingers (21:12)
Anything you see like, please, like keep doing that. I love the idea.

Yasmine (21:16)
I feel like I just said that the other day. Let me see. One good thing would be to have different options during dancing. Not a lot of people dance. So having like different things to do like photo booths or having games or just little things to keep people busy because not everybody dances. So I feel like that’s something that

Felix And Fingers (21:24)

Yasmine (21:40)
literally at a wedding, was like, my God, this is like so nice. It gives people things to do besides dancing. So give them a puzzle, give them, you know what I mean? Games, something different, a photo booth that, especially the fun van ones. I love the van photo booths because it just gives people somewhere to go, somewhere to be. And you just take these pictures in the van and they’re so cool because it’s like the little Volkswagen’s and

It just like, keeps people entertained and it’s fun. And I think things like that. Have an ice cream cart. I love ice cream. After cake, bring out the ice cream. I’m telling you, it keeps people entertained and it keeps people busy. Especially during dancing. Not everybody dances. I try to dance to get people to dance. And I do dance. Let me tell you, I’m a fun planner, okay? If my song is on,

Felix And Fingers (22:14)
something there.

Everybody will die. Everybody will die.

There you go.

Yasmine (22:34)
I’m dancing with the couple.

Felix And Fingers (22:36)
yay! I don’t think I’ve

ever seen a wedding planner dancing with a couple. I would love to see that more, actually.

Yasmine (22:42)

probably packing up your things, but if I hear my song, I am leaving that alone and I’m going to dance with my couple. Like we went through that process with you. We’re seeing it come to life. It gives us so much joy and excitement. And a lot of people nowadays want fun planners and please step out of your comfort zone and dance with your couples. You guys went through the process together. Have fun with them. It’s your day too.

Felix And Fingers (23:07)
Oh my God, I’m so happy to hear that. You got it so right. And I love this energy. I love this vibe. I wish I could do more. For all the wedding planners out there, go rock with your couple. know, just like, yeah, party.

Yasmine (23:10)


I encourage it and I know there’s

a lot of my girly pop planners that do it too because it’s just like we’re here we made it all the things that we spoke about it’s in our faces it came to life let’s enjoy it and we’re gonna enjoy it with you

Felix And Fingers (23:36)
Totally agree and it gives me even though you know as a performer as part of the dueling piano show when I see all the guests like on the dance floor just Having the time of their life. It gives me so much joy I mean obviously we love performing but when our people having a good time on the dance floor We are having a blast and you know as a wedding planner It’s the same for you after such a day and all the planning and everything you just gonna want to go like Let’s have some fun. That’s it

Yasmine (23:45)
Good. Good.



absolutely. Like, let’s do it. We came a long way with them too. And some of us, planned it the whole entire year. You better enjoy that day.

Felix And Fingers (24:07)
Let’s test.

Absolutely agreed. Well, Yasmin, I feel like I asked all the questions I had in mind. So I really want to thank you again for being here today. It was so much fun.

Yasmine (24:23)
My absolute pleasure.

Thank you for thinking of me. It’s been great. This was so much fun.

Felix And Fingers (24:29)
Yes, and we’re gonna make sure to leave all the notes and details to Perfectly Planned By Yas. Look at it in all of Florida. So if you feel like planning your wedding, your anniversary, fair renewals, baby shower, idle shower, this is your address. So make sure to put all this information along with this episode. Yasmin again, thank you so much for being here.

Yasmine (24:34)
Yes. Yes.


What the?

It is my absolute

pleasure. You guys have an amazing week. Keep thriving.

Felix And Fingers (24:58)
You too. Thank you. Likewise. Take it easy.

Yasmine (25:00)

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