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Itasca Chamber of Commerce Event
Felix and Fingers recently dueled at an Itasca Chamber of Commerce event. It was held at the Itasca Country Club, a stunning venue filled with welcoming and outstanding staff (to learn more about this venue, please visit their website). This event raised money for...
Kendall County Fairgrounds Wedding
Felix and Fingers recently dueled at a Kendall County Fairgrounds wedding. The organization in charge, Kendall County Fair Inc., aims to further the community's knowledge of agriculture and home economics. They ensure fun is had by all with various carnival rides,...
Arlington Race Park Wedding
Felix and Fingers recently played an Arlington Park wedding at Mike Ditka's. The ceremony was held at the Arlington International Racecourse. The reception took place at Ditka's Restaurant, which is right next door. The bride and groom are huge fans of horse racing,...
La Poste Event
Felix and Fingers performed at a La Poste event to help celebrate with a local company and its clients. The venue fit the event really well and we enjoyed the space and service here. To learn more about this great venue and what they have to offer, please click here!...
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