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The Mitz Surprise 50th Birthday Party
Felix and Fingers had a fabulous time performing at The Mitz Surprise 50th Birthday Party! The Mitz is located at 1019 North Wolcott and carries historical charm in Chicago's Wicker Park. The building was built in 1917 and at one time was a municipal bath house....
Floating World Gallery Wedding
We recently provided entertainment to Rachael and John's Floating World Gallery Wedding. It was a beautiful event. The food, the entertainment from Felix and Fingers, and the venue all contributed to a superb wedding experience. Floating World Gallery Wedding The...
Chicago’s First Lady Corporate Event
A fun and unique experience for all, Felix and Fingers had the opportunity to perform for a Chicago's First Lady Corporate Event. This venue happened to be the riverboat itself, and what a fun time it was to play music and see much of Chicago's beautiful architecture....
Surprise 60th Wedding Anniversary
What do you give the couple who has everything? The couple who has been married for sixty, (yes, 60!) years? The couple who has raised a loving family and spent almost their entire lives together? Give them a Surprise 60th Wedding Anniversary party! And when your...
States That We've Rocked!
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