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Peoria Civic Center Wedding
Felix and Fingers could not think of a better time to ring in the New Year but with a wedding! The Peoria Civic Center Wedding was quite a double event. The Peoria Civic Center is located in the small, Midwestern town of Peoria, Illinois. Ringing in the New Year...
Owensboro Center Wedding
Macy and Patrick chose the Owensboro Convention Center for their wedding. You can find this great venue in Owensboro, Kentucky. Felix and Fingers travel the country to play in all sorts of places and were happy to find that this Owensboro Center wedding party was...
Hyatt Cleveland Arcade Wedding
Once again, Felix and Fingers players braved the winter weather and traveled through storms to reach this far away location. But we don't mind, especially when the venue is as amazing as it was for this Hyatt Cleveland Arcade Wedding! Hyatt Cleveland Arcade Wedding...
White Pines Golf Club Wedding
Are you dreaming of an exquisite country club wedding? If so, The White Pines Golf Club is perfect for your event. Felix and Fingers were thrilled to be asked to play at the White Pines Golf Club Wedding in Bensenville, Illinois. Congratulations Melissa and...
States That We've Rocked!
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