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Maison Laffitte Wedding
Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez! That's what they say in Louisiana and that's what we were saying when we traveled to Mandeville to play for this Maison Laffitte Wedding. Maison Laffitte Wedding This beautiful antebellum era home is now a gorgeous wedding and event...
Sunken Gardens Florida Wedding
This Sunken Gardens Florida Wedding had us in St. Petersburg, Florida for one of the most beautiful weddings we've been to in a long time. Felix and Fingers love it when we can go to sunny Florida to perform! Sunken Gardens Florida Wedding St. Petersburg has a...
Hyatt Lodge Oakbrook Wedding
You will find this venue on McDonald's Campus for Hamburger University. This Hyatt Lodge Oakbrook wedding was a great time for all! Felix and Fingers loves this venue! Hyatt Lodge Oakbrook Wedding On this fast food giant's grounds, you will find The Hyatt Lodge at...
Onion Pub Brewery Wedding
The Onion Pub and Brewery Wedding had us right next door to our hometown. So it wasn't a long drive to Barrington, Illinois and The Onion Pub. We love this venue and have played here a few times. Onion Pub Brewery Wedding While you should definitely come here for...
States That We've Rocked!
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