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Saint Jude Run Fundraiser
Felix and Fingers performed a successful Dueling Pianos for a Cure, Saint Jude Run Fundraiser. Our very own Sam Baker and Jennifer Lee Knuth knocked it out of the park! This amazing duo sang and played their hearts out to a large group of fun loving guests. Felix...
Watertown Elks Club Fundraiser
Watertown, Wisconsin was our destination for this Watertown Elks Club Fundraiser. The purpose of this fundraiser was to raise money for the Johnson Creek School District. Felix and Fingers LOVE fundraisers! We're experts at helping you raise money. Watertown Elks...
Saint Francis Fundraiser
Are you in charge of securing entertainment for an upcoming fundraiser? If so, Felix and Fingers Dueling Pianos is the best fundraising entertainment around. We'll have your attendees having so much fun that they won't think twice about letting go of a little more...
Fishermens Inn Dinner Show
Love was in the air at the Fishermen's Inn dinner show located in Elburn, Illinois. Felix and Fingers performed a 2-night, Valentine's Day event at this newly renovated facility. Fishermen's Inn is currently one of the most popular gathering venues in the Chicago...
States That We've Rocked!
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