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Evanston Club Wedding Event
The Women's Club of Evanston offers a classic wedding and event venue in the Chicago and Evanston, IL area. Felix and Fingers brought the party to Kelly and Clint's Evanston Club wedding event. One of the highlights of this club is it's STAGE. Our performers for this...
Silver Lake Country Club Wedding
From ceremony to reception, Felix and Fingers performed an amazing and successful show for the Silver Lake Country Club wedding. Everyone in attendance had a BLAST! Congratulations Karen and Allen! Silver Lake Country Club Wedding Orland Park Silver Lake Country Club...
Fete Lucky Laser Night Fundraiser
The Fete Lucky Laser Night Fundraiser brought us to a brand new venue that we're very excited to tell you about. Fête, a gathering space, is a new event space in Wales, Wisconsin and it's going to be a huge benefit to the community. Fete Lucky Laser Night Fundraiser...
Maxwell Mansion Wedding Event
Are you searching for an exquisite and historical location for your next important occasion? Felix and Fingers performed an outstanding and successful show for the Maxwell Mansion wedding event in Lake Geneva, IL. Congratulations Melissa and Sean! Maxwell Mansion...
States That We've Rocked!
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