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Private Birthday Bash
Over-the-top birthday parties can be stressful and costly. Oh, and thanks to social media, there’s an increasing need to top whatever you did last year. Not to mention what others are doing. Our client celebrated her private birthday bash the smart way, at her home in...
Crystal Lake Rotary Club Fundraiser
Bored of fundraising fetes? The Crystal Lake Rotary Club fundraiser was a novel Wild West idea! This event was a serious money making auction. Our client, the Crystal Lake Rotary Club Dawnbreakers celebrated 30 years of $1.5M total raised and donated to local...
Refinitiv Corporate Yacht Party
Felix and Fingers performer Will O'Keefe traveled from Kansas City, Missouri to Boca Raton, Florida for this Refinitiv Corporate Yacht Party. Yes, Felix goes everywhere! It was a great night with a fun group of coworkers who just wanted to have a good time. Refinitiv...
Tuscan Hills Winery Wedding
The Tuscan Hills Winery Wedding gave Felix a peek at some Irish wedding traditions that were a bit new to us. It was a super fun time at a delightful venue. Next time you're near Effingham, Illinois, make sure to stop at the Tuscan Hills Winery. Tuscan Hills Winery...
States That We've Rocked!
- Alabama
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- D.C.
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