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The Standard on State Wedding Celebration
The Standard on State Wedding Celebration was held at Illinois Premier Rooftop Wedding & Event Venue. This was Felix and Fingers first time performing at this venue and wow, was it gorgeous. The industrial space was just enough to give way to romantic touches with...
Preferred Hotels and Resorts Virtual Avatar Party
When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. We had an amazing Preferred Hotels and Resorts virtual avatar party! Our client Amy Butterfield hired Felix to perform a virtual avatar show for guests from around the world! Preferred Hotels and Resorts Virtual Avatar...
Vintage Brewing Company Sauk Prairie Wedding Celebration
The Vintage Brewing Company Sauk Prairie wedding celebration was not just about food and drink. You'll fall in love with the staff and Sauk Prairie, Wisconsin location. Not only will you receive a quick response to set up a tour, but their email communication is spot...
PZAZZ! Entertainment Complex Wedding Celebration
Felix and Fingers LOVE performing at New Year's Eve celebrations. We were so excited to play the PZAZZ! Entertainment Complex wedding celebration for New Year's Eve! This was one unique party with a group of individuals that knew how to bring in the New Year. PZAZZ!...
States That We've Rocked!
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