Rebekah is an elite-level vocal coach in Orlando, working with theme park singers and aspiring musical theater actors. She is also a community music school owner, theatrical music director, mentor, and music therapist. She has four pets, all named after Beatles songs, and curates and cares for 165 tropical plants. She is a lover of Starbucks lattes and a firm believer that pineapple belongs on pizza.
Rebekah grew up on a farm in rural southern Ohio, the product of four generations of church musicians on each side of her family tree. Her Appalachian roots exposed her to Bluegrass, though she spent her early years singing in church while her mother played the piano and organ, and her grandparents sang in the choir.
Rebekah started piano lessons at age 6 and has been singing her spirited Sagittarius song since the moment she was born. She was the quintessential marching band nerd, choir nerd, and private piano lesson princess. She had an accident at age 14 that left her unable to feel most of her right hand, and now playing the piano without feeling the keys is her best party trick! She went on to study music in college, earning her BA in voice and piano, although she doesn’t sing or play classically on purpose these days. Rock and roll is her passion!
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