Stacks in Valpraiso, Indiana, recently hosted a memorable holiday party featuring the renowned Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos. The event, held on December 10, 2022, was a night filled with lively music, delicious food, and an electric atmosphere. Despite a few challenges, the dueling pianists, Micheal and Mike, delivered an unforgettable performance that left everyone in high spirits. Let’s dive into the highlights of this extraordinary evening at Stacks in Valpraiso.

A Spectacle of Decorations and Mouthwatering Delights

The space at Stacks in Valpraiso was beautifully decorated, creating a visually stunning backdrop for the holiday party. The festive ambiance set the perfect mood for the evening. To top it off, the dinner served was a culinary delight. The combination of steak, chicken, and salmon left everyone satisfied and in high spirits. The delicious meal truly put Micheal and Mike in the right mindset to deliver an exceptional musical performance.

A Harmonious Blend of Old School Favorites and Festive Tunes

As the show kicked off, Micheal and Mike interacted with the crowd to gauge their musical preferences. They received numerous requests for old school hits, along with a sprinkle of Christmas songs. The duo effortlessly blended these selections into a captivating performance that had everyone singing along and tapping their feet. The standard corporate party was transformed into an unforgettable night of musical entertainment.

A Smooth Exit and a Memorable Experience for All

After the show, Micheal and Mike quickly and efficiently packed up their equipment. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the performance, and the dueling pianists were delighted to have created such a memorable experience. From start to finish, the event at Stacks in Valpraiso was a resounding success, leaving everyone in high spirits.

The recent Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos event at Stacks in Valpraiso was a night to remember. The dueling pianists delivered an exceptional performance that had the crowd thoroughly entertained. The festive decorations, delectable dinner, and harmonious blend of old school favorites and holiday tunes created an electric atmosphere. If you’re considering hosting a dueling piano event or looking for a fantastic venue like Stacks in Valpraiso, be sure to contact Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos at (800) 557-4196. Don’t forget to share this blog post with your friends to spread the joy of this incredible night at Stacks in Valpraiso!

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VenueStacks Bar and GrillAddress175 Lincolnway
Valparaiso, Indiana 46383-5559
Email+1-(219) 462-0553