Felix and Fingers is the Midwest’s premier dueling piano show. Since its founding, in 2010, by professional keyboardists Mike Potts and Mike Sherman, Felix and Fingers has been dazzling audiences across the country and creating memories of a lifetime for customers and their guests.
Felix and Fingers specializes in playing venues such as bars or clubs, corporate events, weddings and private parties. With a core roster of 9 talented performers, we have the ability to put on a Chicago-style dueling piano show anywhere in the Midwest. Don’t have your own equipment? Don’t worry. We can provide all the equipment and have the appropriate set up to do shows ranging in size from 10 people all the way up to a full auditorium.
But we’re more than just a dueling piano show. As a full service entertainment company, we can handle every aspect of your wedding, party or corporate event’s entertainment. All of our performers are more than just professional entertainers with a strong comedic bent. They’re also capable MC’s and announcers. Additionally, all of our performers are world-class DJ’s with access to professional sound stage equipment. If your event calls for a dueling pianos show during one part and DJ and dance segment during another, there’s no need to hire multiple personnel. Our talented performers can seamlessly blend the night’s entertainment into a completely hassle free continuum of fun.
With a reputation as a pleasant Midwestern city that’s a great place to raise a family, Des Moines has a small town charm that belies its population of over 200,000. But Felix and Fingers still thinks that it could use a little of that Chicago dueling pianos vibe, the kind that has you still thinking about last Friday night’s show on a Wednesday morning.
Felix and Fingers creates the kind of fun, memorable events that draw people back for more.