Felix and Fingers dueling pianos brings flare to events in Fair Oaks, Indiana. Whether it’s a wedding or simple gathering of friends, these two characters will delight with a comedic twist on various piano tunes. Audience participation is welcomed and highly encouraged. Party goers will leave with a story to tell about the fascinating night with Felix and Fingers.
Fair Oaks is a small town filled with lively, proud people. Their main claim to fame comes from farming and husbandry. The look of the town is beautiful with spacious fields of green grass and farm houses all about. The venues take on both the country feel of the township with hints of modern decor. When throwing an event at these local event building, it deserves entertainment that is fun and festive to get everyone in the mood to sing and be merry.
Farms are not rare around these parts. The Fair Oaks Farm venue opened up around 2014. Felix and Fingers have performed here and both pianists were impressed with the decor and crowd. Although it was a more professional crowd, they still rocked and rolled to the tunes of the dueling pianos. The corporate crowd was pleasantly pleased with the choice of live entertainment and were thrilled to participate as well.
So at any event, whether large or small, business or casual, the dueling pianos can surely bring the crowd to cheers. Felix and Fingers give audiences an experience to remember, making your event a hit in comparison to others. Try something different than the usual DJ or background noise. An event with live dueling pianos will give a show to remember for years to come. And Felix and Fingers are sure happy to come back again to visit this farm-inspired venue.