The formidable societal stronghold known as Kewanee, IL is no stranger to the numerous strains of novel entertainment. Diversion exists aplenty in Kewanee, and it may come as a surprise that one of the most lucrative musical investments any business could create lies in a form of performance made famous by the groundbreaking film Who Framed Roger Rabbit? For the better part of the century, Felix and Fingers has provided Illinois with breathtaking dueling piano shows, a trade that has become somewhat of a lost art in a rapidly shifting society. Felix and Fingers pride themselves on being total professionals in addition to talented musicians, and offer the following services:
– Corporate events do not necessarily have to be the formal affair that they’re presented as. A Felix and Fingers dueling piano show is sure to liven up any gathering in the business world. The clanking war of keys is a perfect backdrop for festivities.
– Commercial venues are always in search of new talent. Why not bring in a team of professionals with a unique act? Felix and Fingers piano duelists have an uncanny knack for fitting in on every bill, including stints as headlining acts.
– Most Bar and Baht Mitvahs in the present day have several constants, including a DJ that is invariably hit-or-miss. The era of the constant hit has finally come, in the form of a Felix and Fingers piano duel.
– Felix and Fingers dutifully recognizes that not ever occasion requires a war over the ivory tiles. The company does indeed keep soloists on hand. In fact, these soloists are the very duelists that fill in regular events. Each of the company’s players are certifiably gifted, whether in musical combat or rocking solo at an event.