The hardworking town of Island Lake, IL, deserves a much-needed break. The various citizens, though tireless, oftentimes get distracted by idle dreams of leisure. It is the duty of any respectable business to provide diversion and merriment at various points, and Felix and Fingers Dueling Pianos has no qualms about bringing that merriment to any doorstep. Utilizing a trained team of virtuoso-level performers and other musical geniuses, Felix and Fingers offers a variety of musical entertainment lanes guaranteed to thrill any crowd. Listed below is a short list of the many services offered by this proud company:
Unknown to most, colleges and universities are a prime location for a set of fierce piano duelists. The average institution of education is a melting pot of students from all over the world. All of these scholastic hopefuls find themselves in need of diversion sometime during the semester, leaving Felix and Fingers to fill the entertainment void.
Weddings are a uniquely jubilant cause for celebration. The matrimony between two loving people is a momentous occasion, and by the time vows are exchange, there is seldom a dry eye in the house. During the following reception, what better way to elevate the mood to new heights than with a set of dueling pianists? Felix and Fingers has long since perfected the art of the wedding duel, having capped many a ceremony off with a cascade of song.
When the situation calls for only one musician instead of the usual duo, the Felix and Fingers players have no qualms about flying solo like a majestic bald eagle. Each player is specifically trained in both solo compositions and collaborative pieces, making them a versatile contender in any setting. Felix and Fingers is prepared.