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Concorde Banquets Wedding Celebration
Felix and Fingers had the opportunity to attend a Concorde Banquets wedding celebration in one of the most beautiful spots in Kildeer, Illinois. Which is saying a lot for such a beautiful town! Concorde Banquets Wedding Celebration Concorde Banquets is known for...
White Deer Run Golf Club Wedding Event
Searching for a premiere golf-course and banquet facility in Vernon Hills, IL? If so, check out our White Deer Run Golf Club wedding event. Everyone had a blast! Everything from the incredible venue, to the picturesque lake view was perfection. Therefore, White Deer...
Virtual Event Sample
Welcome! This is an example of our custom-built webpages that are available to all Felix & Fingers Virtual clients! Here we can add all kinds of custom elements, as well as our interactive video and chat functions, creating a personalized space for you and your...
Bungie Virtual Event
Felix and Fingers Dueling Pianos goes virtual! Yes, you've heard it here first. With current pandemic restrictions, we've had to adapt. And adapt we have! Read on to find out how we did for this Bungie Virtual Event. Bungie Virtual Event Fun Bungie Studios hired us to...
States That We've Rocked!
- Alabama
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- D.C.
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